Successful supervisors know how to organize their work and manage their time to get the most out of a day. No matter how busy you are, make plans and decide how to spend your time. Here are some tips to help:
Make a master list of everything you need to do. The idea is to write down all the tasks in one place rather than letting them rattle around in your head. Put them on one piece of paper, a wall-mounted white board or in the computer. This is the place to put long-range jobs such as safety audits next month and short-term ones like having the fire extinguishers serviced tomorrow.
Make a ‘to do’ list for each day. Check your appointment calendar for what you must do each day, and refer to your master list for other tasks you should and can get done that day.
Keep an appointment calendar. Put definite commitments on it such as safety meetings and production deadlines. This can be a wall calendar, a desk calendar, or a computer calendar.
Make the most of the computer resources available at your company. Use e-mail, internal message systems, voice mail and other services to communicate quickly.
Plan what you want to get done each day, rather than reacting to crises. Block out time for you to work on projects. If you have an office, shut the door for awhile each day so you can plow through the desk work with only emergency interruptions. You might want to have an open-door policy at other times of the day, when you encourage workers to drop in to discuss any concerns.
To supervise other people, you need to supervise how you spend your own time. Get yourself organized and you’ll have more time to spend helping your workers to do their jobs quickly, correctly and safely.